Sunday Brighton (UK)
Corn Exchange February 3, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Web
– Twitter
the Seeds Meeting (NL) March 2-3
A Seed NL et. al. Den
Bosch, Netherlands
(D) 9. März 2013, 11-17 Uhr
ist Kulturgut: Festival des Vereins zur Erhaltung der
(CH) 23./24. März 2013
Saatgut-Tauschbörse von Longo Mai und Pro Specie Rara
International Seed Festival (HE) May
11 - 13
seed to seed” - An educational film on the production of
are the origin of life. For thousands of years, the diversity of
cultivated plants has fed humanity thanks to seeds passed down
from generation to generation. But this diversity is increasingly
under threat. The introduction of high yielding and hybrid
varieties, patents on plants, as well as the use of chemical
fertilisers, pesticides and GMOs have led to the disappearance of
70% of cultivated plant diversity since the 1930s.
Commercial seed varieties are now selected by a handful of
multinational companies whose main priority is profit and European
legislation limits the rights of farmers and gardeners to sell,
exchange or give away seeds from their own crops. Not only are
these developments threatening the survival of small-scale
agriculture, but they also endanger food security worldwide. Seed
diversity is crucial to mankind's survival because it enables
plants to adapt to changing climates and environments. The
loss of countless small farmers has meant that we have lost
know-how built up over centuries. In Europe a few small
associations still maintain and distribute heirloom varieties as
well as sharing seed production skills through workshops, training
courses, books and documents. Basic training in seed
multiplication techniques is crucial. There are few books on this
topic and these are of little use in countries where illiteracy is
widespread. The film is intended for all those interested in
seed production - beginners, amateur gardeners, farmers,
vocational colleges, children, those who wish to contribute to the
conservation of plant diversity, those for whom it is urgent to
grow their own seeds in order to adapt to different climate
conditions or for food security... Images will enable viewers to
follow the development of plants from seed to seed, to help them
understand the biology of flowers, the phenomenon of pollination
as well as the techniques and methods used to extract, select and
store seeds. Close-ups will allow detailed observation and make it
easier to recognise plant characteristics. It will take two
years to make this film as we wish to follow the full cycle of
biennual vegetable families. We call on those interested to help
us fund this project by buying the DVD in advance at the price of
20 € or £18 (or more if you wish to make a donation).
For more details, see the “Appeal for subscriptions”. A
trailer for the film
the moment only in French)