Sowing the Future - Harvesting Diversity No
Patents for the Seed Industry! |
Initiators of „Sowing the Future - Harvesting Diversity”: IG für gentechnikfreie Saatgutarbeit Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) Interessengemeinschaft Nachbau Notkomitee für die Erhaltung der Weizenvielfalt ohne Gentechnik |
Európai Bizottsági
van szükség egy jobb szabályozásra? |
Reports of the actions in Geneva, Brussels, Mainz, Vienna and Lisbon |
Invitation to the action days in Brussels La
Via Campesina, 16.3.2011: |
Szabad vetőmagot mindenkinek! Brüsszel, 2011. április 17-18. A Via Campesina mozgalom április 17-én, a földművesek nemzetközi ellenállásának napján, fontos brüsszeli eseményt szervez. Az eseményen az elmúlt két évben Európa minden részéről érkezett több tízezer aláírást átadják az Európai Parlamentnek, és vizsgálatot kérnek annak tisztázására, hogy az Európai Unió új vetőmagtörvény-tervezete amelyekben a nagy vetőmagcégek érdekei voltak túlsúlyban - megsértik-e az alapvető jogot az élelemhez és a vetőmaghoz való hozzáféréshez. A Via Campesina mozgalom azt követeli, hogy a vetőmagtermesztés joga az őstermelők és kertészek kezében maradjon, ugyanis az emberiséget évezredekig a termények sokszínűsége táplálta. A korábbi nemzedékektől örökölt magvak az élet alapjai, és az élelmiszer-önrendelkezés elengedhetetlen feltételei. A nagy vetőmag előállító cégóriások ugyanis elszántan dolgoznak az élelmiszerlánc első eleme fölötti világméretű irányítás megszerzéséért. Ennek egyértelmű jele a génmódosítás, az állat- és növényfajokra bejegyzett szabadalmak, a magok újravetésére kirótt büntetések, a háztáji fajták betiltása, továbbá az a gyilkos technológia, ami terméketlenné teszi a magvakat. Meg kell akadályoznunk, hogy az élelmünk legfőbb alapja multinacionális cégek profitjának forrásává váljon! Arra kérünk, Te is vegyél részt a kétnapos akción, amely során egyértelműen jelezzük az EU politikája iránti ellenérzéseinket, és a szándékunkat az ellenállásra! Ellenállásra, hiszen nem fogadhatjuk el, hogy megélhetésünk alapjai multinacionális vállalatok kezében kerüljenek, mert a jövőben is szeretnénk megőrizni és továbbadni a változatos növényfajtáink örökségét. Ha nem tudsz eljönni Brüsszelbe, szervezz hasonló eseményeket hazádban, a városodban, faludban! |
of „Sowing the Future - Harvesting
Diversity”: BUKO-Kampagne gegen Biopiraterie (D) Aktionsnetzwerk globale Landwirtschaft (D) Basler Appell gegen Gentechnologie (CH) Percy Schmeiser; canola farmer, (CAN) Peliti / Πελίτι - Greek Seed exchange Network ICPPC - International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside (PL)
Free our seeds! International
Days of Action |
Supporter of the international days of action from Belgium: Nature
& Progrès from Europe Arbeitsgemeinschaft
bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL, D) |
Let‘s meet in Brussels! |
Program: |
Tens of thousands of people throughout Europe are actively demanding that the right to produce seeds remains in the hands of small farmers and gardeners. A diversity of crops has nourished mankind for thousands of years. Seeds that we have inherited from past generations are the basis of life and are essential for food sovereignty. The big seed trusts are determined to obtain worldwide control. This has been made clear by genetic engineering, patents on plants and animals, the introduction of seed reproduction fees… Add to that terminator technology that destroys the fertility of seeds and the prohibition of peasant varieties. We must prevent the very basis of our food supply from becoming a source of profit for multinational companies. Two years ago we launched the petition „Sowing the future-harvesting diversity“ to protest against planned new European Union seed laws that are dominated by the interests of the big seed companies. We intend to present the tens of thousands of signatures collected throughout Europe to the European Parliament and call for an enquiry to clarify whether these laws violate the fundamental right to food and to access to seeds. We invite you to participate in two days of action during which we will make clear our opposition to EU policies and our intention to resist against them. Come to Brussels! We are not prepared to accept that the basis of our livelihood is handed over to multinationals. In the future we intend to maintain and pass on the heritage of our plant varieties. The main event will take place on 17 April, the day of international peasant resistance declared by Via Campesina, followed by a demon-stration on the 18th. If you cannot come to Brussels, organise similar events in your countries, cities and villages! |
11.00 -18.00 Molenbeek Cultural Centre: "Maison des Cultures et de la cohésion sociale de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean", Chaussée de Merchtem 67, 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
Seed Swap and Through this seed swap we want to draw public attention to a practice that has become increasingly widespread throughout Europe over the past few years and that could be made illegal by the planned EU laws.
with presentations and debate Activists from India, Turkey and several European countries will describe the situation concerning seeds in their countries and the consequences of the planned EU laws.
Music and films, dance and demo workshop |
10.00 -13.00 "Mundo B", Rue d'Edimbourg 26, 1050 Bruxelles
World-Café Getting to know each other, exchange of experience and knowledge, discussions on collective work on seeds and the maintaining and multiplication of plant and crop diversity in gardens and fields.
Demonstration to the Brussels offices of seed companies and their lobby organisations Please contact us if you want to take part in these events and in the growing resistance against the monopolisation and privatisation of seeds !
Seedy Sunday 2010 in Brighton: Photos by Dan Johnson Photography Grassroots Seed Activism in the UK, by Debbie Greenfield, Chair, Seedy Sunday Brighton
Invitation to a seed swap and exchange of know-how Brussels, Sunday 17 April 2011 Within the framework of two days of action, an international seed swap will be organised with the aim of circulating all kinds of hardy and reproducible seeds and exchanging information, experiences and know-how on the production of seeds. This event will bring together many initiatives which already exist in various countries. It will give them an occasion to present their activities and to establish links between us. This has become all the more urgent in view of the fact that European and international laws and regulations, either already in force or in preparation, could very well hinder or even prohibit such seed swaps. Our main objective is to encourage the practice by farmers, amateur and professional gardeners of exchanging and giving seeds. This ancient tradition could be adopted by all people who are aware of the loss of diversity of varieties and of the risk posed by the growing privatisation of life-forms. We are witnessing a serious erosion of theoretical and practical knowledge. We want to look at ways of drawing attention to this danger and of passing this know-how on to a wider public. To achieve this, we must use all means at our disposal! Bring whatever you can that you think is appropriate to this event : seeds, exhibitions, slide shows, brochures, documents, films… Proposals for workshops (production and extraction of seeds, awareness building on gardening and agriculture…) or exhibits (vegetables, fruit, seeds, cereals or other collections of biodiversity…) will be welcome. Help us to awaken all our senses! During the morning of Monday 18 April there will be time for meetings and discussions between all those interested in getting to know each other better. We would like to imagine together how experience and know-how concerning seeds can be passed on. Do you have training or pedagogical tools or methods which could be shared by others? In your opinion what would it be important to develop and in what form? Would you be ready to participate in the elaboration of such tools? Do you want to suggest other subjects for discussion on Monday morning? Practical aspects For the seed swap, send us an exact list of what you need: space, tables, electricity, exhibition panels… If you cannot take part, you could send seeds that you are ready to share with us. The more seeds there are, the more diversity will be distributed. We ask you only to bring naturally produced reproducible varieties (no F1 or F2, GMOs, GMPs) with no risk of unintentional crossbreeds between varieties. We will send you a more detailed program once it is available.
nature seeds are nomadic, |
Longo Maï Seed-exhibition and excange in Païs Alp 2009, Provençe:
Participants (27-03-2011):
From March 25. to 27, 2010, 160 representatives of the European seed networks gathered in Graz, Austira, for the 5th European Seed Meeting “Let’s Liberate Diversity!”. They included groups that work on the conservation, use and distribution of plant diversity, civil society organizations, gardeners, breeders, and men and woman farmers from over 20 countries. (...) Graz Declaration: Freedom for Diversity (...) We demand:
These demands are directed toward Member States and the European Institutions. The participants of the 5th European Meeting in Graz, March 2010. |
Crop diversity is the result of human actions all over the world that created it. It is a common good and it belongs to everyone. Access to diversity is fundamental for our daily bread and for achieving food sovereignty. In many regions of the world men and women farmers still continue to produce, exchange, and sell their own seeds. Seed laws in Europe are to be changed in 2011. The seed industry wants to extends its intellectual property rights and the patenting of crop varieties. It lobbies for stronger control and even the prohibition of farmers' non-registered varieties. 10 companies, among them Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta and Limagrain, already control 67% of the world seed market. They no longer want to miss out on the rest of the market when they could impose their registered varieties - which usually only thrive with the help of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation - upon the rest of the world. However, it is not these genetically homogenous industrial seed varieties which will be able to feed the world in the future, but the diverse, regional varieties which are able to adapt to climate change. The negotiations for the new European seed law are taking place behind closed doors, among representatives of the seed industry and EU bureaucrats. This does not lead us to expect a positive outcome. In order to influence the new seed laws we want to raise public awareness for our goals. We demand:
of the European Seed Network